Flying with Your Dog: What You Need to Know - Sit Means Sit - New Hampshire

Flying with Your Dog: What You Need to Know

Flying With Your Dog: What You Need to Know

Whether you’ve flown with your furry friend before or this is a first for both of you, the thought of flying with your dog may be daunting. However, it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. Familiarizing yourself with pet travel policies and tips will help you and Fido be prepared ahead of time. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about flying with your dog.

Booking a Flight for Your Dog

First and foremost, choosing a pet-friendly airline when booking a flight for your dog is essential. When it comes to traveling with your canine, not all airlines are equal; some may refuse to fly dogs, only allow canines to be in cargo, or charge dog owners sky-high fees. Typically, small dogs will be allowed to fly in an airplane’s cabin with their owner for an additional fee. We recommend not placing your furry friend in cargo transport unless you have no other choice since this is much more stressful for dogs. Several airlines do not allow you to buy a seat for your pet, but animals that fit the airline’s size requirements can often fly on the cabin as long as they are in an approved carrier and placed under the seat in front of you.

If you know you’ll be traveling with Fido, book your flight as early as possible. Airlines only allow a set number of pets to fly in the cabin, which is assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. Additionally, book a direct flight if possible to minimize your pup’s stress levels on travel day. Many airlines also have strict policies on traveling with pets, so research the airline’s rules before booking your flight. It’s also a good idea to contact the airline before booking to get written or verbal confirmation that your pooch is cleared to fly in the cabin. It’s better to be over-prepared when booking your flight than to have Fido get denied at the gate.

What Should You Pack for Fido?

When flying with your furry friend, you’ll want to have their essentials on hand in case they need them in the airport or after landing. To get you started, here is a general packing list of things your pup may need.

  • An airline-approved pet carrier
  • Prescription or over-the-counter medications
  • Food and treats, especially if you’re bringing Fido on a lengthy flight
  • Antibacterial wipes in case Fido has an accident or gets sick
  • Portable water bowl and food bowl
  • Poop bags
  • Proof of vaccinations
  • A familiar blanket or dog toy to soothe your pup

Preparing Fido for the Flight

After booking your flight with your furry friend, it’s time to start preparing them. First, schedule a health check with your dog’s veterinarian to ensure your pup meets the medical requirements to fly. Certain airlines and destinations require a health certificate proving your dog’s clean bill of health, which your vet can provide you with. Additionally, ensure your pup has updated microchip information prior to traveling with them.

It’s also important to familiarize your pup with their carrier before the flight. You should introduce Fido to this carrier well in advance to prevent anxiety during the flight when they’re in it. Help your dog form positive associations with their carrier by placing their favorite toys and treats inside. Additionally, ensure the airline-approved carrier you purchase is spacious and well-ventilated enough for your pup to be comfortable the entire flight.

Navigating an Airport with Your Pup

On the day of your flight, arrive at the airport with your dog a couple of hours early. If your dog is flying in cargo transport, you’ll unfortunately need to check them in at the front of the airport with the rest of your checked luggage. If your pup is boarding the cabin, you’ll proceed through TSA security and screening with them. Airline rules for the pet screening process may vary, so pay close attention to the TSA attendant’s instructions.

If the airport has a pet relief area, you should bring Fido there once you’ve gotten through airport security. While you’re waiting for your boarding time, you can let your pup out of their carrier and let them stretch their legs and relieve themselves. You should plan out your pooch’s meals and potty breaks carefully; you don’t want them to be hungry or thirsty, but you also shouldn’t give them a lot of food and water right before putting them in the carrier.

Before boarding your flight, you’ll need to check in with an airline agent. Depending on the airline, you may need to present identifying papers, tags, or a vet-issued certificate of health. Since the check-in procedure may take a long time, it’s crucial to get to the airport early enough to handle your pup’s verification. When flying with your dog, we recommend arriving an hour earlier than normal to ensure navigating the airport goes smoothly.

How to Keep Fido Calm During the Flight

Once you and your furry friend are aboard the plane, they’ll need to stay in their designated carrier for the remainder of the flight. Unfortunately, dogs are not permitted to sit on their owner’s lap during a flight, so you’ll have to save your snuggle session for after your flight. One way to keep Fido calm during the flight is to tire them out beforehand. Plan to take your pup for a walk or have some playtime before driving to the airport, then walk them around inside the airport while you wait to board your plane.

You may also want to give your pooch a chew treat or toy to gnaw on during the flight if the airline allows it. Chewing naturally relaxes canines, keeps them entertained, and may ease discomfort from pressure changes as the airplane changes altitudes.

Use these tips for your next flight with your pup to have a stress-free travel day. With proper preparation, flying with your dog can be a breeze!

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